It was a fun filled yet difficult week for nominees Megan Young and two-in-one housemates Marylaine Viernes and Jen Da Silva. The three girls lived this week like it was their last, not knowing what the impact of their words and actions would be to the outside world. And finally, the public has decided that Kapamilya Deal or No Deal's notorious Banker should have his girls back.
Megan, Jen and Marylaine worked hard for the Kaishou Taishou play, the housemates's task for the week. And somehow they enjoyed the fruits of their labor by celebrating their victory with the rest of housemates for a day. However, one can clearly see on their faces how tensed and worried they are about tonight's outcome.

Unfortunately, Jen and Marylaine's continuous bickering seemed to be their down fall as they exited Kuya's house awhile ago. Marylaine held back the tears while Jen cried buckets as she hugged each of her housemates good-bye. Toni then went inside the house to fetch the 26K girls and present them once again to the outside world. The host also took this chance to embrace her co-host and now house guest Mariel Rodriguez.
As the girls emerged on the stage they were both welcomed by their loved ones.

Their 2-week stay may have been one hell of a rollercoaster ride, but for Marylaine and Jen the experience inside Kuya's house is something they will really treasure all their lives. Before Jen and Marylaine exited the stage though, they left their foot imprints at the very first Celebrity Walk of Fame. As for the voting results, Megan received 87.89% of the votes while Marylaine and Jen received only 12.11%.